Flyte Documentation 0.0.2 Help


Thank you for considering contributing to our projects! We welcome your contributions to help make our projects even better.

Conventional Commits

Conventional Commits are a standardized format for commit messages that help improve the clarity and consistency of version control history.

They follow a strict structure:

  • <type>: describes the purpose of the commit. It can be one of the following:

    • feat: represents a new feature or enhancement.

    • fix: indicates a bug fix.

    • docs: refers to documentation changes.

    • style: relates to code style and formatting improvements.

    • refactor: relates code refactoring with no functional changes.

    • perf: indicates performance improvements.

    • test: covers the addition or modification of tests.

  • <scope>: is optional, describes the scope of the commit, often specifying the component or area of the code that's affected.

  • <description>: a concise and clear description of the change, written in the imperative mood (e.g., add, fix, update).

Why Conventional Commits?

We follow these standards mainly because of consistency, as it establishes a consistent and standardized way to communicate the nature of updates and new features. This consistency makes it easier for us and other users to understand the purpose of a commit by just looking to the commit message.

Making good commits

To write conventional commits, follow these best practices:

  • Use a clear and descriptive in the imperative mood.

    • Example: feat(users): add registration feature

  • Consider specifying a <scope> to provide context for larger codebases or projects with multiple components.

    • Example: fix(api): resolve authentication issue

  • Keep commit messages concise and focused on a single change. If a change spans multiple aspects, consider breaking it into multiple commits, each addressing a specific concern.

Please make sure to format your commit messages according to the Conventional Commits standard to ensure consistency over our projects.

How to contribute

To contribute to our projects, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Create a new branch for your feature:

    git checkout -b scope/your-feature
  3. Make changes and write your code.

  4. Test the changes and ensure they are working correctly.

  5. Commit your changes using the Conventional Commits message standard.

  6. Push your branch to your fork.

  7. Create a pull request from your branch to the main repository.

  8. Describe your changes and provide more context about the feature.

Then, just wait for any Flyte member to review your code and address any feedback. Once approved, your changes will be merged into the main repository.


  • Provide detailed information about the problem your changes are solving or about the new feature you're adding.

  • If your PR addresses any existing issues, please reference that issue in the PR description using the syntax Closes #123 or Fixes #456 to automatically close the issue when the PR is merged.

  • Be prepared for feedback and potential requests for changes. Our goal is to maintain the quality and integrity of our projects.

Last modified: 21 February 2024